Help your students understand where their water comes from and how to conserve it.
Water is our planet’s most essential and most limited resource. The same water you see in your glass has been moving through the water cycle for billions of years. Here in Canada, we are lucky to be home to 9% of the Earth’s available freshwater. Yet some communities in Canada and around the world do not have access to clean drinking water, and many of us experience the impact of water pollution in our rivers and lakes.
How can we learn to appreciate and protect our freshwater? A great place to start is to understand where our water comes from and learn ways to conserve water and prevent pollution. The following resources offer you a way to engage your students in understanding local drinking water sources, water conservation tips, and ways to protect our freshwater.
The Leak Detector Challenge / Le défi de detection de fuites invites students from Winnipeg schools to conserve water by checking for leaks. This take-home assignment shows how to check for water leaks in faucets, toilets and showers.
Contact [email protected] with your school’s name, the grade you teach, and the number of students (maximum 30 students). We provide Leak Detector worksheets and instructions.
Fall Challenge: September 15 – November 15
Spring Challenge: February 15 – April 15
Submit your findings to us here, and receive participation prizes for each student including shower timers and family admission passes to FortWhyte Alive.
The Slow the Flow resource is available at no cost and contains 11 curriculum-linked lesson plans featuring topics including water conservation, pollution prevention, and Winnipeg’s drinking water source. You will find Powerpoints, rubrics, and instructions for classroom learning and additional learning resources, all on one convenient USB-stick.
Request one over email or phone us at 204-989-8355 x 203 and we will mail one out to you.
The Slow the Flow resource contains links to Grade 7 and 8 curriculum, but can be modified for teaching other grades.
It includes: