Register for activities and events online or call (204) 989-8355 ext. 311 to save your spot.
Carve and paint a hunting-style Canvasback Hen.
Create your own decoy using rasps to shape a waterproof tan cork body and power tools to carve a basswood head and tail. When you’re done your decoy will be fitted with glass eyes and finished with acrylic paint.
When you’re done you’ll have a beautiful decoy for hunting or to display at home.
Instructors Frank Macfarlane and Susan Cowtan have extensive experience carving, competing, and winning at carving and decoy competitions throughout Canada. Susan has even competed at the worlds and in his free time, Frank is also an avid hunter and guide.
All materials and tools will be provided for this program.
This program takes place in a working wood shop using a variety of tools and is therefore not recommended for children.
This workshop runs for 5 weeks and will take place at the Ben and Rose Puchniak Woodworking Studio at FortWhyte Farms. (Dates are as follows; Sundays, February 11, 25, March 3, 17, and 24, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
This program has components that may include barriers for those with disabilities, please contact [email protected] for more information or to see if accommodations can be made.
$150 for FortWhyte Alive Members
*Please note that experiences at FortWhyte Alive are non-refundable.