Explore close to home with guides to help you connect with nature in a new way.
Enjoy a weekly downloadable family activity to help you connect with the natural spaces in your neighbourhood!
What type of bird seed should I use to feed certain birds? What kind of bird feeder should I have for that seed? Let Maddy from the Nature Shop answer these common bird feeding questions and help you learn how to feed our feathered friends.
Watch Bird Feeders + Seed or get started right away with our Bird Feeding Guide and a trip to the Nature Shop.
Have you ever gazed dreamily at the FortWhyte Alive ski trails and wondered how to go about getting started at the beautiful sport of Cross Country Skiing? Tune in with FortWhyte Alive’s resident Ski Instructor Katrina Froese as she goes over the ins and outs of ski basics!
Did you know that FortWhyte Alive has forest, lakes, marshes, prairie grasslands and MORE that you are free to explore on snowshoes?! Tune in for the ins and outs of Snowshoe basics to get you feeling ready to head out into the fresh powder.