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Not all classrooms have four walls: The case for taking learning outside

Posted on February 27, 2018

FortWhyte Alive is dedicated to providing students with the highest quality environmental education in an outdoor setting. For over 30 years, our programs have offered opportunities for students and teachers to re-connect and learn about nature, in nature.

Evidence of the wide-ranging benefits of outdoor environmental education for children and youth is mounting. What follows is just a small snapshot of this work in a few recent published academic studies.

1. Increased engagement and physical activity

This study found that outdoor education sessions resulted in greater enjoyment, engagement, and levels of physical activity in participating students.

2. Improved personal and leadership skills

This recent study found that experiences in outdoor education among adolescent girls boosted self-confidence, social skills, and leadership competencies.

3. Increased knowledge and awareness

In this study, experiential field trips resulted in significant improvements to students’ knowledge of their local environment, leaving authors pointing to the benefits of increased collaboration between formal and informal education.

4. Increased classroom engagement

A common myth around outdoor education is the idea that students will be too excited and unable to concentrate following an outdoor learning session. This recent study found that classroom engagement was actually significantly better after lessons in nature than before, meaning regular outdoor learning may actually improve indoor learning and retention.

Not all classrooms have four walls.
We want you to join us in the movement to get our kids outside again. 


Join the movement by making a donation today or learn more about FortWhyte Alive’s environmental education programs.