Image of: Children of Forest School playing tug-of-war
March 16, 2018
FortWhyte Alive is seeking enthusiastic and caring volunteers to lead preschool children in unforgettable outdoor experiences through FortWhyte Forest School!
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Image of: A group of students stand around presenter holding a small net and bucket.
October 31, 2022
Freshwater. What is it, why is it important, and most importantly, how can we protect it?
These are the questions that students tried to answer on Freshwater Ecology Day as they moved through a series of hands-on activities to better understand freshwater.
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Image of: Runner with a headlamp on night run
October 26, 2018
We finally got a glimpse of fall, with perfectly mild temperatures and not a drop of rain or snow in sight! We had 209 racers enjoying the beautiful evening, championing either a 5km or 10km race.
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