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Tag: FWA at Home

Holding Down the Fort: Spittlebugs

Nature's calendar reveals itself in the species that we see on the trails. Like clockwork, around the end of June or beginning of July you'll start to notice spittlebugs. Marking the end of the school year, you'll see the foamy "spit" they leave behind in plants.

Holding Down the Fort: Leopard Frogs

Leopard frogs play an important role in maintaining a healthy environment, but they face many threats — the largest being habitat loss and climate change.

Holding Down the Fort: DIY Compass

Nature is our playground — and we want to help you navigate it. Create a sun dial using sticks, or a compass using household items.

Holding Down the Fort: Feeding Feathered Friends

Feeders are a great way to provide stable food sources for birds. But what happens when the feeder is empty? Many people worry that those birds will suffer from lack of resources, but not to worry—birds adapt and find new sources quickly.

Holding Down the Fort: Poison Ivy

It's not always clear whether a plant is poison ivy or not. There are plenty of other plants that share similar characteristics to poison ivy, making your day in nature a little harder to navigate. Use our tips and tricks for identifying poison ivy to stay safe and healthy on your adventure.

Holding Down the Fort: Changing Seasons

As we transition from spring to summer, we start to see seasonal flowers in bloom.

Holding Down the Fort: Cloud Spotting

Using our cloud guide, you and your family can learn the different types of clouds that you see throughout your day and what it means for upcoming weather systems.

Holding Down the Fort: Nature, wherever you are

Between sidewalk cracks and city corners, you'll find proof that nature is resilient. Discover unexpected wildlife near your own home with this family-fun activity.

Holding Down the Fort: Tick Talk

In today's Holding Down the Fort, Barret teaches us about types of ticks you'll find in Manitoba and their behaviour.