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Fresh air inspires fresh ideas! Discover how your team can benefit from time in nature at FortWhyte Alive!

people around picnic table meeting over papers

Find inspiration in nature!

It’s no secret that time outside benefits your health, and at FortWhyte Alive, there are endless opportunities for your team to explore – and help make those opportunities possible for others!

Corporate Memberships

As a corporate member, your team can visit FortWhyte Alive all year long and unlock access to programs, events, and essential time in nature.

Tier 1 $6,000 Up to 15 passes, 10% off bookings (event & meeting room rentals) 2 per year, 2 complimentary corporate group programs for up to 20 people, 10 tickets to one public program event per year, Possibility for last-minute complimentary or discounted tickets to events, Option to be included in our Sustainability Tips emails, Discount on equipment rentals
Tier 2 $3,000 Up to 10 passes, One complimentary corporate group program, Discount on equipment rentals
Tier 3 $1,500 Up to 5 passes, One complimentary self-guided corporate group program with firepit rental for up to 10 people, Discount on equipment rentals

Perks for All Corporate Membership Levels

*First-time signup benefit for all levels: FortWhyte Alive info session, a representative from FortWhyte will come to your workplace for a short informational session about FortWhyte Alive and the corporate membership benefits.

*Invitation to a Corporate Members only networking event/Corporate Appreciation night.

What is a "pass" to FortWhyte Alive?

With your corporate membership, your organization will receive some passes for your team to use. These cards will live in your office and can be borrowed by your team members for an afternoon, weekend, or whenever to gain admission to FortWhyte Alive and returned for someone else to use when they’re done.

A group of children around a campfire

Sponsor an Event or Program

As a non-profit, FortWhyte relies on corporate partners to make environmental education programming possible for students and visitors. If your organization is considering a partnership, we’d love to help you find an opportunity that supports your organizations goals in sustainability, climate action, education, mental health, and more.