Tony has been a familiar face around FortWhyte since 2005. He started volunteering after he retired from teaching special education for 31 years in the Winnipeg One School Division. He has always enjoyed the outdoors and when teaching, he took students on outdoor field trips with the goal to instill respect for the environment. He encouraged this kind of respect in raising his three children and continues this with his grandchildren.
Tony enjoys being a FortWhyte volunteer because it provides him with an opportunity to be outdoors in all seasons, to participate in activities that are fun, and to promote care for the environment. Tony is a true teacher with enthusiasm that is contagious and is felt by the school program students and the families that attend FortWhyte Alive events.
Whether he is fire tender for school programs, admission gate greeter during Goose Flights, or managing an open paddling event, Tony has felt the satisfaction of making a difference in his community. FortWhyte Alive is fortunate and grateful for dedicated volunteers like Tony who are committed to the FWA values of promoting awareness and understanding of the natural world and actions leading to sustainable living.