Plan a gift that will grow the leaders of tomorrow.
Join the Fort Whyte Legacy Society today.
The Fort Whyte Legacy Society is a dedicated group of supporters who want to ensure that generations to come will have the educational advantage to address the environmental challenges of the future, and that everyone in our community will have access to natural settings and facilities for learning, health and enjoyment.

Legacy Society members have pledged to leave a gift to FortWhyte Alive in their Will, leave a gift of life insurance, or have something else similarly planned.
“It’s a unique way to leave your mark on FortWhyte forever. All members receive permanent on-site acknowledgement, and each year we dine together at FortWhyte to celebrate, learn and connect. It’s one of a kind. And it’s a lot of fun.”
Doug Harvey
Fort Whyte Legacy Society Chair
and CEO, Maxim Truck and Trailer

Benefits of Fort Whyte Legacy Society Membership
- Tax Benefits: FortWhyte is a registered Canadian charity and will provide you or your estate with official charitable tax receipts in accordance with your gift.
- Permanent Recognition: All Fort Whyte Legacy Society members are gratefully and permanently acknowledged on FortWhyte Alive’s Donor Wall.
- Fort Whyte Legacy Society Annual Dinner: Each year, members of the Society meet over dinner in FortWhyte’s Alloway Reception Centre, where they enjoy a special guest speaker and hear reports of past achievements, current activities and challenges to come.
Fort Whyte Foundation Inc. Registered Charitable Number: 11929 8123 RR0001
Ready to leave your legacy?